

Expression think about it how do you express yourself?

So many different ways:


But they all come down to one thing really:
That's its true defination, ART=EXPRESSION, art=you, art=our true being, the us, being exposed. Without this tool we would be concealed and isolated so appreciate the artist and be proud of there expression



Ah the wonderful wonderfulness of poetry this post full of your poems my poems all of them big and small
Walt dear Walt how I love you. My favorite poet Walt Whitman such strange character and I love you for that he was so off beat and UNIQUE!!

Heres an excert from one of his poems "Song of Myself"
I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.

How beautiful was that for the whole poem go to:

So as you read "Song of Myself" think, think of how content and happy Walt is with himself why aren't we all like that why do care so much what others think why are we so self consious caught in this materialistic world of everything fake. Try you don't have to but some time now or later be content with you because you are unique so be happy. And observe natures beauty oserve a spear of summer grass.

CUT the CRAP-How to be Unique

Uniqueness-Thats what this is about got it?
Now some easy tips on how to become you (imagine someone pointing at you and sounding really cheesy) But seriously read:

First read the title cut the crap
Now for the inner you (starting to sound like a corny motavational speaker huh?)
What do you like not what other people like you whats that your gonna get made fun of do i look like i care you asked for unique so here it is damn it. What do you dislike think of you what you want do become your goals and leave everyone else out.

Ok now that you know who you are the most important thing get over the embarassment factor ya someone probably gonna laugh at you but look at what their doing its probably stupider. And who cares what they think they're the one being a meano and probably not themselve.
God, before we go to the next step think really hard of a world where everyone was themself no posers, or wannabes, fakes, and bull crap you didn't have to pretend, you were just......you. Awesome, I know my goal, so beautiful.
Anyways time to go shopping you need a comeplete over haul (or just makerover depending on how big of a poser you are(beware of runovers).
Get stuff you like remake your room you clothes your hair everything (if you can't afford chop up everything till it's just right). Your mom got mad well tough patooty.
Now show off your new look!
And Volia your you congrats.*

*Caution: Don't let anyone label you you