
Good and bad......news

3rd day, 2nd week since school started (due to damn tropical storm fay). I am oficially no longer an outcast i have friends!! Yay......whoops sorry forgot you dont care.

Okay this may be a bit of a depressing post today due to the fact i was on the verge of tears. Havent you ever had that feeling when everything is building up and you just want to tell someone but cant or know how? thats how i feel.
im not quite sure what is (like i ever do) but somthings definatly wrong.
God...and you never quite see the irony until its too late.
Ya know some people just need to take major chill pill and go with the flow.
Right now i just want to hide from the world and forget my self and focus on someone else with greater problems.(and im so not a crier)

I'm going to hide under a rock,

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