

Ah yes the renowned series i have protested against and swore i would never read. The book that makes you dream of being a vampire and wish you were in love.

The book that i am obsesivly nerotic over.

I have an honest exuse to my hypocrasy i swear.

Well... maybe, my friend just threw it at pissed after my latest sermen rejecting the thing. I opened the book, thinking just looking to see what the big deal was, wasn't going to hurt anyone. I couldn't put the damn thing down. I stayed up until three trying to finish it. But I still complained that the story was bad (even though it wasn't) and wouldn't let anyone see me reading it let alone tell anyone. The story was I have to admit much better then i expected (damnit) corny - yes - but it still made me melt.

The main character, Bella - through Edward's, the vampire she falls in love with, eyes - (yes i downloaded "Midnight Sun" , Twilight from Edward's perspective, off of Stephanie Meyer's website) Bella is selfless and the week after reading it I was acting like (in the words of Phil Darling) a complete "Kiss ass". Atleast the book inspired something good.

But I have decided that it was not the book itself I should have been disdainful towards it was the colt the novel struck that pissed me off.

The story was so mainstream (I tend to try to be very elistist when choosing books) everyone was effect by it's writing, everyone knew the book. I didn't like, no... I don't like that I'm doing what everyone else is. It's so god forbid... normal. Me and my hiereracrchial senses *scoff*. So now I'm on book two of the saga "New Moon" and have formed an opinion on all the characters and all the scenarios.

I have given up on willpower so now I will just read.


Anonymous said...

thats okay i said the same thing except i only stayed up til 2 trying to finish it

♥Jamie! said...

It was the same way with me, now I love Twilight!

huh? said...

catherine lol thats why i didnt like it at first to because of the cult of the screaming twirly preps.

Helennn Louise said...

They're amazing books, I just wish she knew how to end books on a high. You read her books and it appears as if she ran out of ideas or something.

And what it has caused is just as ridiculous as JK Rowling a few years back. We get books like this every now and again.

Sam said...

there is Nothing wrong in falling in love with the twilight series.
i mean who doesnt like a book about sexy vampires.
i for one think its freaking awesome.
