
The Tree Singer

Ahhhh Florida has finally gotten it's first fall breeze. Our little taste of coolness.

I zoom down on my 7-speed. I twist and turn to an empty tree, a few leaves have fallen but not many. I climb and maneuver to the tippy top. I am truly your every day pro-tree climber. It's how you say a...passion. I'm at the top the wind whips through my hair, my pull-over barely warming the chill. But it is nice, invigorating.

One of those feelings when you just don't care, about the consiquinces or what everyone else will think. I jumped on the opportunity to be...spontaneous. So I started, singing, yes creating a musical rhythm with my voice, quite poorly i might add. Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do escapes from my mouth, yes the classic from "The Sound of Music". I sat there in the tree, the old sturdy structure of the plant, i had found the perfect position to sing my heart out.

The tree grow in the median, road on either side. I swear i saw more cars pass today then i ever had. They all waved and smiled and honked, cheering me on. The surrounding trees my true audience applauding any note hit. They sway back and forth when the tone slows. A wiser oak smiles gently, grandfather tree, approving of this childish act this act of carelessness and...fun. Watching children play is always fun, watching them imagine the irrational, the impossible.

Fall is forever my favorite season. The earthy colors and light cool breeze is vivacious (I've been wanting to use that word). It's Halloween season and thanking season and my birthday season. No wonder i love it , I was born with it.

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