
Asian Seafood

My breath felt as if i had just exited an asian seafood restruant. I liked the taste it was warm and soft yet cool and unexpected at the same time, my taste buds began to tingle.

I raided the fridge for anything and everything I came out with a bucket of cookie dough, lemonade, Yogurt, and some cheese. Screw health food.

I pigged out for about an hour then squeezed into my dress. It was squishing my newly excerted gut. It was an eighties prom dress, with a tightly fitting mermaid green, black polkadoted boustiay. Then a ruffled black skirt, it was the posterchild for vintage and i loved it. I walked out the door, Ran down the stairs barefoot, and stripped myself of sanity.

Rain poured in sheets of newly cleansed liquid. I ran into the sky shower. The rain soaked my every inch. I ran through the dark streets laughing and dancing and playing. I started to sing, very poorly i might add. I sang my soul out.

His window opened, his chisled face appeared thruogh the open square. I smiled at him so fully and real. He closed the window and i saw him run down the stairs. He stood under the porch and i called out for him to join me. He ran into the rain, his converses now soaked and tight jeans dripping.

I skipped over to him fell into his arms he held me tight with his warm comforting body. I turned so we were facing each other i leaned in and breathed in his aroma of asian seafood the smell was overwelmingly pure, he kissed me and kissed me again in the most lushish, kind, loving way and i kissed him back. There we were standing in the middle of a summer down pour kissing in the middle of the street.

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