
Stream of consiusness

He lived so others could die.

He was brought among us so the loved would evaporate. He celebrated so we could mourn. His happiness is our pain.

Good is evil is evil is good.

He reverses our stream of consciousness, clots our imagination, so he shall be happy.

He lived so others could die.

Our pulses pause, our minds will stop, he will bloom and conduct and be able, we....will vanish. He is good and bad and greedy and humble. Without the bad there is no good. The perfectness is within us and him, but it can not live. Not with out it's counter part. But then it would not exsist.

Good is evil is evil is good.


:)♥KaNdY-LoVe♥(: said...

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Take Care!

Catherine & the Crazies said...

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't really know people actually looked at this never the less liked it so thank you a whaole bunch!!!!!!!!
