

Her eyes moved up and down, studying, Labeling. Me:
Skinny jeans, ancient converses, earthtone mix-match top.

"Whats your favorite band?"she needed a clue.
"Henry Clay People",It didn't help she didn't know them,"there from California". Two clues plenty.
"Oh", surprised...I knew it,"T thought you'd say Fall out boy or somthing".
"I know",though I didn't.

She couldn't get it. I didn't dress like the preppies who love Boys like Girls or Metro Station. But I didn't have her rebel look, ya know when you can emeditly after seeing them the are a true punk rocker.

"You know Jefferson Airplane?" This was her test. She like the older bands.
I did know, both...actually.
"Ya, airplane and starship", I can shake things up.
Silence, she didn't say anything. I passed the test. The rebel was confused she moved her test to someone else.

I saw her again in the halls. The ten minutes we have to get to our lockers is the blobiest, most undesicive mess I've ever seen. You can't tell anyone from anyone. We're packed in those tiny five foot wide walls all squished together like sardines in a can. But I saw her, you can't miss the black hair and eyeliner. She saw me, too. The girl glared in frustration. Why'd it matter what my label was anyways. Have we become so obsessed with classification that when someone doesn't fit, they're examined by a teenagers built in x-ray machine?

Our third encounter occered in the lunch room:

"Tell me", I turned, it was her. Standing next to me in line.
"Tell you, what?" Though I already knew.
"You know what" Fine I'll tell.
"Me", Her brow shot up in disbelief and shock and some stupidity. The simplest answer, yet could not be configured, because no one has that answer any more.
"Oh", she needs to find another word. She walked away, back to her group which she'll probably never leave.

I've seen her again, of course after our.......What would you call it? Fight? Sure. But she'd just pass by non-chalantly ignoring my exsistace. And their would go by my one time only........enemy? Ya that sound right

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